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Cothrom Cabadaich | Online Gaelic meet-up (19-19.30)

DiM, 26 Gibl


Online meet-up in Gaelic

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Cothrom Cabadaich | Online Gaelic meet-up (19-19.30)
Cothrom Cabadaich | Online Gaelic meet-up (19-19.30)

Time & Location

26mh Gibl 2022, 19:00 – 19:30 TSB

Online meet-up in Gaelic

About the event

Tha na seiseanan seo freagarrach an dà chuid dhaibhsan a chaidh a thogail le Gàidhlig a-staigh agus cuideachd dhaibhsan a thàinig chun a' chànain aig àm eile nam beatha, agus a tha a' sireadh cothrom a bhith a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig ann an suidheachadh càirdeil, neo-fhoirmeil le beagan taic bho oide.

These sessions are suitable both for those who were raised with Gaelic at home and also those who have come to the language at a later stage in their life, and who are looking for an opportunity to use their Gaelic in friendly and relaxed environment with some support from a tutor.

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